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fungus which grows in association with the roots of a plant in a symbiotic or mildly pathogenic relationship. Biofertilizers from Katyayni K- RAJA water soluble  restore normal fertility to the soil and make it biologically alive. They boost the amount of organic matter and improve soil texture…

Description : 

 a fungus which grows in association with the roots of a plant in a symbiotic or mildly pathogenic relationship.

Biofertilizers from Katyayni K- RAJA water soluble  restore normal fertility to the soil and make it biologically alive. They boost the amount of organic matter and improve soil texture and structure. The enhanced soil holds water better than before. Biofertilizers add valuable nutrients to the soil, especially nitrogen, proteins and vitamins

Products from Katyayni K- RAJA water soluble are so plentiful. The use of fine quality products in sustainable agriculture benefits farmers, growers, consumers and the environment in many ways. In the wide range of Katyayni K- RAJA water soluble products you can choose one based on the needs of your crop or plants. These products are a kinder, gentler way to give plants the nutrients they need & also to fight with the various plant diseases. These products usually come from plants, animals, or minerals and contain a variety of nutrients to enhance the soil ecosystem.

Katyayni K- RAJA water soluble  is the manufacturer of various non-poisonous biological, plant extract, chelated and PGR based products for controlling different types of pests and insects and making crop and trees healthy. We also import different kinds of fertilizers and Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) and formulate various products for getting different results like root formation, stem formation, healthy growth of leaves, excellent flowering etc.

  • K- RAJA are natural, organic microorganisms in most soils
  • They bind to plant roots and increase a plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil
  • Plants with healthy colonies of these fungi produce large yields, resist disease, and tolerate stress
  • K- RAJA act as a living extension of the plant and form a mutually beneficial relationship with it.

K- RAJA are a special type of fungus that colonize plant roots and strengthen them. They form symbiotic relationships with most plants on the planet. Plants with healthy K- RAJA colonies can extract nutrients and water more efficiently than plants without. They are more drought resistant, pest and disease resistant, and typically produce higher yields.

K- RAJA help plants by:

  • Increasing absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
  • Enhancing the plant’s ability to take in micronutrients
  • Improving water absorption rate
  • Enhancing root growth
  • Delivering nutrients directly to the plant’s nucleus
  • Improving the plant’s tolerance to drought and stress
  • Replenishing soil depleted by repeated plantings and topsoil removal
  • Studies on K- RAJA fungi have found that plants with healthy colonies of these fungi were less likely to have

Moa : K- RAJA) permits the plant to obtain additional moisture and nutrients. This is particularly important in uptake of phosphorus, one of the major nutrients required by plants. When K- RAJA are present, plants are less susceptible to water stress.


The mechanisms by which K- RAJA increase absorption include some that are physical and some that are chemical. Physically, most mycorrhizal mycelia are much smaller in diameter than the smallest root or root hair, and thus can explore soil material that roots and root hairs cannot reach, and provide a larger surface area for absorption. Chemically, the cell membrane chemistry of fungi differs from that of plants. For example, they may secrete organic acids that dissolve or chelate many ions, or release them from minerals by ion exchange.[47] K- RAJA are especially beneficial for the plant partner in nutrient-poor soils.[48]

Resistance to insects[edit]

Plants connected by mycorrhizal fungi in mycorrhizal networks can use these underground connections to communicate warning signals.[58][59] For example, when a host plant is attacked by an aphid, the plant signals surrounding connected plants of its condition. Both the host plant and those connected to it release volatile organic compounds that repel aphids and attract parasitoid wasps, predators of aphids.[58] This assists the mycorrhizal fungi by conserving its food supply.[58]

Additional information


100gram ( 100g x 1), 500gram ( 100g x 5), 1Kg (100kg x 10)


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